Obesity is defined as a chronic medical condition in which an individual has too much body fat. There are many reasons a person can be obese. Doctors have discovered that it’s not just that a person is greedy or have no self will. Most of the time, there are three factors involved – eating too much, too little exercise, and genetics. And yes, some people do gain weight at a faster pace than others. One or all of the three reasons mentioned may be the culprit.

Everybody knows if you eat too much and don’t burn off enough calories that soon weight will pile on. But what if you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work? Not only do you have the weight gain, but you constantly feel fatigued for no reason, have extreme cold sensitivities, muscle weakness, depression, brittle hair and nails, and constipation no matter what you do.

Then maybe it’s not just your diet, maybe you have what’s called hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid. Of course, to know for sure, you would have to consult with your physician where simple blood tests can be done to determine if this is so. Once a clear diagnosis of hypothyroidism is obtained, treatment can start. It is normal to have your hormone levels checked periodically after a confirmed diagnosis is obtained. Gradually, the medication allows your metabolism to increase and weight loss is possible.

Another hormonal disorder that affects weight is Cushing’s syndrome. Cushing’s syndrome is characterized by symptoms like fatigue, muscle weakness, rounding of the face, skin that bruises easily, slow-healing cuts, unusual body/facial hair, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, along with weight gain (particularly around the midsection and upper back). If you are suffering from these signs, especially if you are already taking corticosteroid medications to treat a current condition, it is best to seek medical help.

The best treatment for Cushing’s syndrome depends on the cause of it in the first place. Once the culprit is determined, the proper medical regimen can be given that will allow your body to maintain normal hormone production leading to overall better health. So, if you suspect you have Cushing’s syndrome or hypothyroidism, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Resources: The Mayo Clinic, The Hormone Foundation

Dita Faulkner is a freelance writer living in the southern U.S. who loves movies, learning new things, and following dreams.

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