Like many of us, nutrition expert Dr. Felicia Stoler had tried various diets in her early twenties. But through proper nutrition, she gained knowledge and lost weight.

She has catalogued her frustrations and triumphs in her book “Living Skinny in Fat Genes”. Stoler said, “When people change their eating habits they feel better.”

In an interview, Dr. Felicia Stoler highlighted some very important foods that should not be overlooked and should be included in one’s diet. “Avocados are amazing superfoods. Blueberries as a fruit contain phyto-nutrients with health benefits and Greek yogurt is a superfood.”

She asserted that what you eat has a lot to with how you feel each day, both physically and emotionally. “Better food choices translate into having more energy and being more alert. When you eat better you feel better about yourself.”

There is no carb-free, sugar-free bandwagon for Dr. Stoler. She believes in the old school food pyramid which highlights more plant-based foods. And she emphasizes the importance of fiber, fiber, fiber!

She warns consumers to be wary of whole grain nutrition claims, and says, “Whole grains is a deceptive term. We do not have a requirement that can quantify grams of fiber in relation to just whole grains. It is merely a marketing endeavor.”

Lately, her health major player in her diet is Malaysian palm fruit oil. She had the opportunity to attend a conference in Asia which touted all of the latest research of this so-called superfood. She said that the beneficial ingredient is the tocotrienols present in the oil.

According to, “The tocotrienols present in palm fruit oil have been reported in scientific literature to prevent cardiovascular diseases, lower the serum cholesterol level, decrease platelet aggregation, inhibit the growth of certain types of cancer cells, protect the skin against UV radiation and offer some protection to nerve cells."

She likes to replace other oils and ingredients with palm fruit oil to add a milder flavor and more nutrients. Stoler said, “It is great for pasta and potato salads as well as a good swap out for baking oil.” It also has a higher smoke point, so it is great for grilling and sautéing.

She said that sugar has been “demonized." Even vegetables contain it in the form of glucose. As far as cravings go, she said that they are rarely about hunger and deprivation.

“Attempting to ignore a craving can backfire because the yearning only grows to the point where satisfying it may result in over consumption of the food in question.”


“Key Features of Palm Fruit Oil –” Carotino. Web 18 Sept. 2012.
Web 3 Dec. 2013.

Living Skinny in Fat Genes, 2010; Dr. Felicia Stoler, R.D.
Interview with Dr. Felicia Stoler.

Joanne Sgro-Killworth is a Television Fitness Expert, Certified Personal Trainer and Sport Nutritionist and Publicist. She is Certified in Pilates, Pre-natal/Post-Partum, Yoga and Senior Fitness. She specializes in Weight Loss, Post-Rehab and Post Cancer Training.

Joanne's fitness plans, recipes and lifestyle advice are available globally on her website She resides in the Phoenix, AZ area with her husband and son, where she runs her fitness and publicity business, Fitness Answer, LLC.

Reviewed December 4, 2013
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith