It is another regular day. My day begins with the baby calling to be freed from his crib and his two older brothers soon slowly emerging from their room. They each walk like zombies. They are groggy. Their hair is sticking up. Their eyes are at a fixed stare, and there are pillow marks on their little cheeks.

As they drag their bodies over to the couch and plop down, that is my signal. It is almost like I can hear a tiny gun shooting off in my head. “GO!” My daily race begins. Morning juice, coffee, breakfast, lunches, homework, and if I am lucky, a shower.

When I became a Mom, I didn’t realize that a shower would turn into a luxury instead of a necessity. It may sound crazy for people that don’t have kids but there are days when showering is not possible. It shouldn’t be that way.

One day at preschool drop off, I was having a particularly challenging day. I saw another Mom that seemed to be having a similar day. We gave each other sympathetic looks and I told her in a frustrated tone, “Everyone deserves a daily shower.” She nodded in agreement. She got it. She had three kids too. I am sure that she didn’t have time for a shower that morning either.

If my day is long with the kids and I start feeling my patience slipping away, I know that showering will make me feel better. The water, like magic, washes away the stress and clears my head. As I step out of the tub onto the fluffy bath rug and snuggle up in my soft towel, my body is clean and my mind is refreshed. It is just the pick me up that I need for the rest of the day.

I have mastered showering in about 6 1/2 minutes. On these days, I am talking no conditioner and shaving isn’t even a consideration. Still, the water leaves me feeling fresh and energized. Sure, some days shower time is longer but in a time crunch, even a short shower break can help me. I often wonder why it improves my mood and does showering do the same for others? I decided to do a little research and was surprised to find the following information on
“Shower Power: How to use your shower to relieve stress!” The article describes tips like, using aromatherapy, singing to release frustration, and visualizing your worries being washed away along with your shower water. Amazing! It works for other people too! So, contrary to what my husband might say, I am NOT crazy.

The more I looked, the more I found. Jennifer Viegas, of Discovery News writes, “Traditional Chinese medicine has also prescribed cold-water swims or baths as mood-lifters.” Mood lifters! I had no idea! I don’t typically try the cold shower route.

I personally enjoy the hot, steamy water pulsating on my body and warming my skin. I close my eyes as I face the shower head and step into the water stream, letting the moisture surround me and remind me of a relaxing vacation. That is, until I hear children fighting in another room and my vacation dream quickly ends. As I leave the magical room of shower gels and wonderfully scented shampoos, I hope to return soon. Maybe even tomorrow.