The life of a family changes when a child is diagnosed with cancer. During this challenging time, mothers often carry a large amount of the daily responsibilities.

Katie Reed, 28, knows and understands those challenges. She is the mother to cancer stricken Aidan. Reed, like other mothers of children with cancer, demonstrates stability and courage as her entire family feels the impact of Aidan’s illness.

Aidan, 5, has acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). According to the National Cancer Institute, Aidan's leukemia is the most common of all forms of the disease in children. It represents 23 percent of all cancer diagnoses and affects about 1 in 29,000 children each year in the United States.

The cancer diagnosis came on top of Reed's pregnancy and the September 26 birth of Aidan's brother Amry. There were other financial pressures and the family scaled back on their spending so Reed could stay at home with the two children.

According to Reed, her son is her hero. ʺWatching Aidan go through all of this at such a young age gives me strength,ʺ Reed said in an interview with ʺIt makes me feel like I can do anything.ʺ

Reed’s advice for other mothers of children with cancer is to stay positive, use humor and try to laugh every day. Reed said, “Some days it will seem impossible but it's important for you and your child to still live your lives.ʺ

Reed also recommends support groups to connect with families that are going through the same thing. ʺIf you have any questions, ask the doctors. Do not Google anything because in a case like this, the Internet is not your friend,ʺ Reed added.

Reed stated her husband Wylie Reed is her rock. ʺHe is my best friend, the best listener; he is always there when I need him. Even when my spirits are down, he helps lift me up with humor and love,ʺ Reed said. ʺI think we help keep each other strong in many ways. I also have many family and friends that are always there when I need them. We keep the family unit together with humor. Sure we have our serious moments too but we always are goofing around and laughing about something.ʺ

Reed is also very complementary of her family’s dedicated support. For example, Aidan's aunt Mandi started Aid for Aidan. Aunt Mandi lives in Illinois and could not be with Aidan during his time in the hospital. But, she decided to sell some of Aidan's art to help raise extra money for the family's medical expenses. The family has insurance, but they still needed help.

To keep his mind off his illness, Aidan draws monsters. He makes most of his art while he is in the hospital.

At $12 a piece, more than 7,693 of the zany monsters have been sold. Even more astonishing is the art has been purchased by customers in every U.S. state. Also, the art has been shipped to Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, Philippines, Brazil, France, Germany, Portugal, Singapore, Ireland, Greece, Malaysia, Norway, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Spain, Japan, Italy, China and many more.

ʺOur view of the world is different now. It is so great to know there are so many wonderful caring people out there that are making a difference in people's lives like ours. Thank you so much,ʺ Reed said.

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