My baby was about 4 weeks old when my problems began. He was my second son and breastfeeding was going much better than with my first baby. But a pain in the side of my breast started on a Thursday and continued to grow worse into the weekend.

My son had a doctor’s appointment the day that the pain began. I can remember asking his pediatrician about it. There I was in the exam room, a typical looking Mom with a newborn. My button up shirt pulled at the front trying to hold in my breasts that seem to grow by the minute, as they produced milk. Dark circles shadowed underneath my tired eyes. My hair pulled loosely back into a ponytail. I carried a diaper bag, purse and my newborn in his baby carrier. I walked slowly and confused, in the sleep deprived stage of the first weeks with a newborn. Our pediatrician asked how I was doing and I was honest, I told her about the pain. She recommended that I call my doctor.

I was still adjusting to my baby’s eating schedule and the night before had been especially tough. At first, I only noticed slight discomfort. I would press on the area, hoping for some relief. No such luck. As time went on, I noticed the skin was red and a hard lump formed on the side of my breast. It looked like red streaking, as if that area had been slapped.

I called my doctor’s office and described my symptoms. Although admitting that it was hard to assess over the phone, I was told that it was probably a clogged milk duct. I was then asked if I would like to make an appointment to come in. I looked over at my sleeping baby. I had collapsed on the couch after the morning appointment. I was exhausted and my body ached. No, I did not want to make an appointment. That was a big mistake.

Throughout the next day, I treated my breast as if I had a clogged milk duct. My husband would bring me hot compresses that I would hold onto the spot that hurt. I took warm showers and tried to “knead” that area in the hopes of releasing the blockage. By Friday evening, I was running a fever, had the chills and my body ached like I had the flu. I wrapped myself in thick blankets and could hardly stand to expose my skin when it was time to nurse my son.

I suffered all weekend long. I barely moved from my bed, still I continued to treat my “clogged milk duct.” Finally sometime on Sunday, I woke up in a deep sweat and my fever was gone. Over the next few days, the pain subsided and before I knew it my breast was no longer red or bothering me.

When I saw my doctor at my 6 week check-up, I described this experience. He frowned as I explained my symptoms and told me that it sounded more like I had mastitis than a clogged milk duct.

Here is some helpful information about Mastitis. (
“Mastitis is a breast infection that can leave you feeling as if you've come down with the flu. You may notice areas of redness, hardness, soreness, or heat in your breast, and swelling of the affected milk duct. Common, and more serious, signs of the infection include chills, a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, and fatigue. About one in 20 nursing moms get a breast infection. The problem is caused by invading germs. Typically, those germs pass from your baby's mouth, nose, and throat into a milk duct through cracks or fissures in the nipples.”
Here are some suggestions for treating mastitis. (
1. “Rest relieves stress and replenishes your immune system.”
2. “Alternate warm and cold compresses on the area.”
3. “Gently massage the area of tenderness.”
4. “Breastfeed frequently on the affected side.”
5. “Vary the baby's position at the breast, so that all the ducts are emptied.”
6. “Drink lots of fluids, as fever and inflammation increase your need for fluids.”
7. “Don't quit nursing at this point. Weaning increases the risk of a breast infection turning into a breast abscess that requires surgical draining.”
This is such a painful condition and can lead to a serious abscess. Consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.