Sure, you may not feel like a super parent most of the time, but whether you realize it or not, you are perfecting highly valuable talents on a daily basis. Here are just a few of the powers that most of us moms (and many dads) possess:

1. You have a talent for numbers.
You know your pediatrician’s phone number by heart. You can rattle off each of your children’s birthdays, time of birth, current weight and weight at birth without batting your curled eyelashes. You know the dates and times of teacher conferences, school breaks and sports practices; sometimes you even recite them in your sleep.

2. You are queen of the multi-tasking.
You can make dinner, unload the dishwasher, oversee homework and hold three separate conversations all at the same time. You continue to amaze yourself by setting your own record of the number of laundry loads washed in a single day. You are very close to figuring out how to clone yourself so you can actually be in two places at the same time.

3. You have a highly advanced tolerance for disgusting things.
Never has your gag reflex been stronger. You can tackle the messiest of diapers without a single nose-wrinkling. You could assist a vomiting child with a blindfold on. Blood from an injury? No problem. You’ve wiped more noses with more creative items than you could ever repeat. Sure the first time you were peed on was a bit of a surprise but it didn’t slow you down. Bring on the gross, you can take it.

4. You have super human sight and memory.
You know when your child is doing something that he is not supposed to without even being in the room. You can find the smallest lost toy no matter where it is. You can remember every name of every Disney and Pixar Films character and know the details of every current Lego set out on the market.

5. You are a human lie detector.
“Did you wash your hands?’ “Yes.” “With soap?” “Yes.” It is your intense stare down with your questions that can lead the liar to cracking under the pressure. In the case that the stare down doesn’t work, it is your talent for knowing what to say next to force out the truth. “Let me smell your hands.” That simple sentence will send a kid that hasn’t washed his hands running to the bathroom.

Embrace your super powers. You have earned it. Happy Mother’s Day!