Stranger danger describes the perceived danger to children presented by strangers. Unfortunately, the world is a scary place and there are people out there who prey on children. It is crucial that all parents must address this issue with their children and to do this requires ongoing, open communication. One of the most important things to remember when teaching your child about stranger danger is to instill confidence rather than fear. You want to provide your child with the knowledge and strategies they will need to protect themselves in dangerous situations. Talk about stranger danger should be open and ongoing, and try to adapt the conversation to your child’s age and maturity level as he grows, as he is likely to encounter different types of situations.

Children need to understand what you mean by "stranger". Not all people who are unknown to them are dangerous and they need to understand the difference between “good” and “bad” strangers. Some examples of “good” strangers may include police officers, security guards and teachers. These are people your child can safely turn to if they are in need of help. Situations where your child may be approached by a “bad” stranger would most likely be at the park, or on a residential street. Your child should know that there are many more “good” strangers than “bad” strangers.

Rules To Help Your Children Stay Safe!
-Know your name, address, and phone number.
-Use the buddy system! Avoid walking anywhere alone.
-Never take rides from strangers.
A stranger may offer you a ride or stop to ask you a question. The stranger may even call you by name. That is a trick. No matter what a stranger says, never go near a stranger’s car. Stay away!
-Never take gifts from strangers.
A stranger may offer you a gift. Never take a gift or candy from any stranger.
-Always go straight home after school. Always go home the same way.
-Always let your parents know where you are.
When you are playing away from home, always let Mom or Dad know where you are. Never play in deserted areas, and always play in groups.
-Always get help if there is trouble!
-If you are grabbed or touched by a stranger, run and scream, and tell your parents right away. If you see a stranger grabbing a friend, try to remember as much as you can about what the person looks like. If the stranger is in a car, write down the license plate number of the car.
-Never open the door to a stranger.
-Set up a code word with your child. This can be helpful in the event of an emergency. Your child should know the code word and understand the importance. Make the code word meaningful to your family so a real stranger danger would not be able to figure it out.

While communicating these tips with your child the best way to teach stranger danger is through role-playing scenarios. For example, you become the stranger and grab your child and drag them into your car. Have your child drop to the ground, kick, hit and scream. Do whatever it takes to attract the attention of anyone around who can help you.

As parents, we are the eyes and ears of our communities. The police cannot be at all places at all times. It is so important to get involved and report suspicious activity and not just to your neighbor. Make the community aware of what is going on.