Lisa Miller of recently wrote an article for that website about why she thinks stem cell research should definitely progress.

In the article Miller stated that stem cell research has the capacity to revolutionize the field of medicine. She went on to say that blindness could be reversed, severe burns could be healed, children suffering from muscular dystrophy, spinal injuries, and Type 1 diabetes could be cured. In the treatment of leukemia doctors are already using blood stem cells from bone marrow.
Miller said that stem cells are the foundation cells for all tissues, organs and cells in the body. They can be “programmed” for development into specialized tissues and organs. Because of this, they could be used in new treatments for diseases like Parkinson’s, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.

Miller said “The future of medicine may hinge on this work--yet it has been stymied by presidential and court orders prohibiting federal funding for research using stem cells form human embryos.”

According to Miller, the critics of embryonic stem cell research are opposed to it because they believe that it is a violation of the sanctity of life, due to the fact that embryos are destroyed when cells are harvested.

She countered this by saying, “I understand that they are standing on principle. However, don’t we also have a moral imperative to do everything we can to save lives and alleviate suffering?”

The writer went on to say that $715 billion has been spent this year on defense and security, which is far more than has been spent on any kind of medical research.

The article wound down to some thought-provoking statements, such as that people have a right to their beliefs and that those who think that an embryo is more valuable than a “real, live, breathing child suffering from muscular dystrophy are entitled to their opinion.” But all the fears of disturbing the pro-life group, according to Miller, should not dominate the policy of the National Institutes of Health.

Not only has Miller given strong arguments as to why she is a firm believer in the life saving qualities of stem cell research, she has also argued compellingly as to why this research should continue.