So I was chatting last night with a young woman who has a 9-month-old baby and is suffering from postpartum depression. She asked me where to go to get a "good" anti-depressant. She's been going to her OB who has prescribed Lexapro but so far the Lexapro isn't working for her. Before that, she went to her primary care physician who had her taking Paxil for a while, which also didn't work.

What amazes me here is the fact that neither of these doctors should be prescribing an anti-depressant to this woman who is obviously suffering. I mean, when you need medication for your heart, you go to a heart doctor/cardiologist. When you need medication for your brain, you go to (you guessed it) a brain doctor.

Why are so many women getting their anti-depressants from doctors like gynecologists, obstetricians, internists, etc??? Why are we messing around with our brains??? Would you go to a foot doctor if you're suffering from an ulcer? I think there are so many misconceptions about anti-depressants and it has gotten to where they are way too commonly prescribed -- and by any kind of doctor.

So I suggested that this young mother try to go see a psychiatrist so that she'll have the opportunity to get on the right anti-depressant or mood stabilizer or combination of medications, not to mention the correct dosage level for her. She'd never thought about going to see a psychiatrist or even a psychiatric nurse practitioner. None of her doctors had mentioned this option to her. I just don't understand why doctors who are obviously not specialized in the area of the brain feel that they can prescribe brain meds.

Taking a brain medication is a big deal -- not to be handled lightly.
Posted by Kristin at 8/21/2007 10:12:00 PM 6 comments
Labels: anti-depressants, antidepressants, depression, Paxil, postpartum depression, PPD, suffering, Zoloft
August 11, 2007
Shoshana Bennett, Ph.D, author of Postpartum Depression for Dummies, joins our conversation!

I am so thrilled to have a comment on my blog from Shoshana Bennett, Former President of Postpartum Support International and Founder/Director of Postpartum Assistance for Mothers. How awesome is this!! Shoshana joins the conversation that developed from my posts on the use of anti-depressants while pregnant and/or breastfeeding. Here's what she says:

"As Anne Dunnewold expressed, the judgment needs to go. There is no one “right” way. Each mother is trying to make the best decision for the wellbeing of her baby, and whatever choice feels right for her needs to be respected and supported.

"In order to make the best choice she can for the welfare of her family, it’s also important for the mom to have solid information on the pros and cons when she make this important decision. Here are some facts which many are not aware of. Most medical professionals who have dedicated their careers to studying the safety of antidepressants in pregnancy agree that they have been focusing too heavily on one side of the issue for years. Now, instead of solely focusing on the possible unknown risk to the baby when the mom takes medicine, they are leaning much more on the KNOWN risks to the baby if the mom is NOT treated. Until a few years ago, most of the focus with respect to taking medications while pregnant was on the possibility of harming the baby. Today, since there is much more data gathered on the dangers of depression and anxiety to the developing baby, the focus has shifted to the possible harm from NOT taking medication if the pregnant woman needs it to feel like herself.

"It’s quite clear from the research in the last few years that depression and anxiety in pregnancy can chemically hurt growing babies. For instance, depression in pregnancy can cause low birth weight and preterm delivery, and anxiety may cause harm by constricting the placental blood vessels and raising cortisol. One thing is for sure that everyone agrees upon. If a woman is experiencing depression or anxiety during pregnancy, she and her whole family (big or little, born or not yet born) needs her to receive treatment. Treatment, of course, does not necessarily involve medication, it’s simply the topic of this discussion. On that note, we are learning quite a bit about effective non-pharmaceutical treatments for depression in pregnancy with no side effects except good ones!"