Pregnancy is one of life’s miracles and beautiful experiences. However, this experience may have some minor side effects like heartburn, hemorrhoids, the constant urge to urinate, and insomnia. It is also very difficult to get comfortable when falling asleep with a bowling balling protruding out of your middle section.

While I was researching this article, I noticed that the medical consensus is that sleeping on your left side (also known as the SOS position) is the best position for mommy when she is "on the nest," aka pregnant. Sleeping on your left side increases the blood flow and nutrients to the placenta and your baby.

If you are suffering from heartburn while pregnant, you may want to try sleeping on your right side.

Sleeping on your side may also help to relieve any back pain.

Another recommendation is the use of pillows, including body pillows or wedge pillows, to help you become more comfortable in bed.

First let's look at the body pillow, which costs between $17.99-$199.

The more expensive pillow completely wraps around your body for support and feels like your own personal cocoon. This pillow supports your back, neck, lower abdomen, and is placed in between your knees. The less expensive pillow supports your abdomen and can be placed between your knees.

The pregnancy wedge pillow may come in handy towards the end of your nine-month waiting period, if you are experiencing shortness of breath or acid reflux. While on your side, a wedge pillow can be used to elevate your head and back to reduce acid reflux, or you can use the wedge to put under your belly or back.

There is also a wedge pillow which is in the shape of a giant orange slice which wedges between your belly and the bed.

Now, if you don’t want to break the bank with the cost or an extra trip to the mall, you can experiment with your own pillows. First, try sleeping with a pillow between your knees when you are sleeping on your side. Secondly, add a pillow underneath your belly for support. It will take some practice and getting used to, but it isn’t impossible.

The worst positions to sleep in during pregnancy are on your stomach and on your back. On your stomach is just uncomfortable while pregnant, but sleeping on your back can cause a decrease in circulation to your baby, as well as your heart, because your uterus puts pressure on the major blood vessels.

Find a side sleeping position that works best for you. And consider taking naps, especially on the weekends and when you are not working. It won't be too long before your lack of sleep will be for a different reason once that baby is in your arms.


"Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy/ APA on Sleeping Positions." American Pregnancy Association. Web. 01 Sept. 2014.

"First Trimester Pregnancy Sleep: Three Disturbances You Can Count on."BabyCenter. Web. 01 Sept. 2014.

Reviewed September 2, 2014
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith