If you’re considering breast augmentation and planning a family later on, it’s natural to wonder what may happen to your implants during pregnancy. Will they interfere with the natural changes your breasts will undergo? Will you be able to breastfeed with implants?

The good news is that women who elect breast augmentation rarely experience problems related to their breast implants. The devices do not impede breast development during pregnancy. Your breasts will gain fat and your milk ducts will gradually become engorged just as if you did not have implants.

You should be able to breastfeed with implants. The impact of breast augmentation surgery, including incisions, scars and implant materials, should have no effect on your ability to breastfeed; breastfeeding success depends most often on a host of other factors.

Having breast implants may actually be a benefit to women who choose to bear children. As you know, breast tissues expand during pregnancy and lactation, causing skin to stretch. It’s not unusual for women to see additional sagginess in their breasts when childbearing is complete. And although there is some controversy over this point, many women and their doctors believe that a loss of internal volume can occur especially after breastfeeding. Implants can serve to help you maintain more of the original perkiness, attractive shape and size you had prior to having your children.

Be advised that as the years pass, you may find yourself considering another augmentation and/or breast lift as your breasts inevitably droop. But this is the case for many women without implants as well.

There are some things you might consider related to pregnancy and implants in order to have the best shot at being content with your post-pregnancy figure. If you have not yet had surgery, you may want to opt for a modest sized implant so your breasts don’t stretch your skin dramatically as they swell in preparation for nursing. You may also choose to have your implants placed under the muscle. Doctors tend to say that implants in this position are less affected by breast changes. Consider investing in a good bra to give you plenty of support. And, holding your weight gain to a reasonable level may lessen the degree to which your skin will stretch during pregnancy.

As usual, the answer to questions like this one is to discuss your concerns with your doctor. While research may give you some initial information and calm some worries, there’s no substitute for talking over your individual case with a qualified physician.