Pregnancy brings many joys, but it also comes with a long list of do's and don'ts which aren't always as obvious as one thinks. What should pregnant women eat and what do they have to stay away from? Are there activities that are totally off limits or is there some wiggle room for some women when it comes to being active?

What about travel? Do moms-to-be need to forgo the trip to Europe? What about a long car ride to Florida?

Read on to get simple, straightforward answers to some of the most common do's and don'ts ... the should's and should absolutely not's ... of pregnancy.

Do exercise, but don't try something new or do something that could cause the mother to fall. Ice skating, roller skating, skiing and even horseback riding are usually off-limits for most women. says pregnant women should keep workouts low impact and not let their heart rate get too high. They should also not exercise for too long or too hard so as to get overheated. It is suggested that they make sure to take frequent breaks and drink lots of fluids to keep themselves and their unborn baby safe.

Do travel, but don't travel past 36 weeks (or 35 weeks for international trips). Most travel (train, plane and automobile) is safe for pregnant women.

They should carry their obstetrician's phone number, allergy information, and any details on pregnancy risks or complications with them. When traveling long distances, be sure to stand and stretch often to prevent any blood clots from forming in the legs.

Do give in to food cravings occasionally, but don't go overboard on anything (especially if it isn't cooked). While pregnant women can (and do) eat almost everything, there are some definite no-no's.

No raw or unpasturized cheese or cold cuts because of the threat of listeriosis, salmonellosis, and other foodborne illnesses. This is the same reason most raw sushi is also off limits. Alcohol is, of course, something that should not be consumed at all while pregnant and caffeine and some fish, such as those high in mercury, should be limited during this time.

Do try to enjoy the special time that is pregnancy, and don't focus on all the lifestyle changes it forces on one's life. While there are some restrictions for moms-to-be, 40 weeks is not really that long of a time to modify food and activities when a healthy baby is the byproduct.

Sources: Web. 28 December 2011. "Can I do aerobic type exercise during pregnancy?" Web. 28 December 2011. "Can i travel on a plane during pregnancy?"

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy.American Pregnancy Association. Web. 28 December 2011.

Reviewed December 29, 2011
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith