Kim Kardashian has been warned, and has heeded the warning. One of her Instagram posts had stirred the Food and Drug Administration to action.

Kardashian had posted that the drug Diclegis had eased her morning sickness, and posed no health risk for the infant. The post gave the impression that the drug was completely safe for her and her baby. It had been "liked" more than 460,00 times.

But the website for Diclegis states that severe drowsiness can be a side effect of the drug, and that Diclegis has not been studied in women with severe or unusual morning sickness. Kardashian, who is a paid endorser for the drug, was posting inaccurate information and the FDA wanted something done about it.

The FDA sent a letter on Aug. 7, 2015, to Duchesnay USA, who manufactures Diclegis, concerning Kardashian's misleading post and requiring that the misinformation be corrected.

Duchesnay announced that it would take action immediately, saying that their goal is that all communications including social media should meet all rules and regulations that apply. The company also made it clear that while Kardashian had been paid for promotion of Diclegis, she had originally found the drug through her doctor.

Kardashian has deleted the Instagram post. The FDA wants her to post a correction on Instagram as well.

To read more:

Kim Kardashian West Warned by FDA Over Promoting Morning Sickness Drug

Kim Kardashian warned by FDA after Instagram endorsement of morning sickness drug

FDA Warns Kim Kardashian About Instagram Drug Endorsement