Pregnancy can be one of the most unbelievable experiences in a woman’s life. It brings a sense of fulfillment. It also can bring many symptoms such as: bloating, tender breasts, hot flashes, increased appetite and now nose bleeds.

Recent studies have shown that nosebleeds can frequent a pregnant woman. When a woman is pregnant her blood flow is increased by 30-50%. The extra blood is simply needed to keep the placenta and baby healthy. So while your hormones on the rise so is your blood flow. The increased amount of blood flow is also the reason pregnant women have that hard to obtain glow and tenderness of the breasts. The increased blood flow is also the culprit that puts pressure on the mucous lining in the nose and when the vessels can’t take anymore, they rupture.

So if you are pregnant and finding yourself relaxing one day there are a few indications that a nosebleed is about to occur. Since the blood flow is increased just before a nosebleed you may experience a sinus headache. An itchy nose or continuous sneezing may also be other indications of a nosebleed. However, there are ways to maintain and stop the bleed quickly. Follow these few steps.

Make sure you sit down, do not lie down. You run the risk of choking on your blood. Make sure you keep your head up and pinch your nose under the bridge, keeping a firm pinch. Pinch your nose for at least 10-15 minutes to slow down the blood flow so it can clot. Ice will help slow down the bleed as well. Once the bleeding has stopped be sure that you do not blow your nose for at least 12-14 hours.

Following the steps to control the nosebleeds will make getting them more comfortable. Nosebleeds can also occur from the air being too dry. Putting a humidifier in your room will keep the air moist. For those that are pregnant the prevention is unfortunately not available, but knowing how to deal with them will is.