Dr. Jean-Jacques Dugoua is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. He is the Director of the Liberty Clinic, and a researcher at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Dr. Dugoua is a published author who has expertise in naturopathic medicine, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, detoxification and intravenous therapies, just to name a few of his fields of interest.

His Ph.D. thesis is on continuing research on the safety of natural products during pregnancy and lactation.

Dr. Dugoua:
What’s nice about the naturopathic route is we’re very much based on prevention. We talk about giving probiotics to pregnant women to prevent pre-term delivery. We give probiotics to pregnant women so their children at 2, 4 or 6 years of age, don’t have eczema or any other form of atopic disease. So what’s good about a naturopath is we’re really thinking down the road to try to prevent any problems for the woman’s pregnancy.

Also, what we find in pregnant women is when pregnant women are on medication, about 40% of pregnant women will stop taking their medication because they’re afraid of whatever they’re taking may cause side effects to the baby, and often they gravitate towards a different form of medicine which is naturopathic medicine.

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