While you're pregnant you'll spend a great deal of time thinking about someone you've never met. You don't know what they look like but you'll try to picture them anyway. This is the beginning of maternal bonding with your unborn baby.

"You will normally bond more as you start to get bigger – this is mainly because it is far more noticeable to your mind and body. It's hard to ignore a 4 kg ham sitting on your abdomen, so it's important to remember that it's a process, not a switch."

Frustrated by the shadows surrounding this intimate stranger? Closer than your next breath yet somehow completely unknown? You feel every movement of your unborn baby and yet they seem out of reach.

There are some things you can do to bridge the baby gap before the birth, and do some maternal bonding. Having an ultrasound can make this unseen person seem a little more real. (Though being kicked in the ribs can bring that reality home in its own way.) Talk to your unborn baby. They'll recognize your voice and you'll have some practice before the birth of talking to your new best friend.
