Old wives' tales tell us that the shape of your baby belly, how you carry, and the Chinese lunar calendar can predict if you will have a boy or girl. But a study published in the journal Birth in 1999 found no proof to support claims. Hmm…so where is well-meaning Aunt Gertrude getting her info?

According to scientists, most folklore-based methods of predicting a baby’s sex are about as reliable as flipping a coin. So-called women’s intuition in a pregnant mother is about the same. Still, that’s 50/50 odds, which isn’t terrible. Hey, trying to predict a baby’s sex is all in fun anyway, right?

Roughly the only reliable method for predicting a baby’s sex before that 15th week when it could possibly be viewed on a sonogram, is morning sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum). If you are wanting a girl, be glad if you are especially green for the whole 1st trimester, because reports have found morning sickness related to the influx of hormones found in early pregnancy can be more pronounced for the mother when she is carrying a girl.

Try remembering that when you are running to the restroom at the hint of any odorous food or perfume. You’re welcome.

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Common Pregnancy Myths

Christine Jeffries is a writer/editor for work and at heart, and lives in a home of testosterone with her husband and two sons. Christine is interested in women’s health and promoting strong women.