It is said that if a man and woman have sex at particular times during her cycle, it can determine the sex of the subsequent baby. Some small studies have supported this myth, but larger more recent studies have not found any proof to substantiate these claims.

So according to science, what determines the sex of your baby? Men have two types of sperm, ones containing X-chromosomes, and ones containing Y-chromosomes. These chromosomes determine if a baby will be a boy (Y version), or a girl (X version). Women always have only X-chromosomes, so when it pairs up with either of the man’s sperm, it creates a baby boy or girl.

The chromosomes match up at conception, but it is not evident to the parents until roughly 15-17 weeks into a pregnancy when it could be visible in an ultrasound, or if amniocentesis is performed it shows in the results.

The only way to really select the sex of your baby is with the help of technology.

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Common Pregnancy Myths
Fertility and Conception, and How it Works

Christine Jeffries is a writer/editor for work and at heart, and lives in a home of testosterone with her husband and two sons. Christine is interested in women’s health and promoting strong women.