Having sex during pregnancy has always been surrounded by myths of gigantic proportions. Through the generations, doctors have sometimes passed on medical advice on this topic based on their feelings rather than scientific facts. For the consumers seeking advice on sex during pregnancy, the topic is full of conflicts and confusion. Now there is finally a study that revealed that sex during pregnancy is generally safe

Dr. Claire Jones, from the Department of Obstetrics at Mount Sinai Hospital and University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario said, "Sexual activity is common in pregnancy, but the frequency varies widely, with a tendency to decrease with advancing gestational age. Decreased sexual activity may be attributable to nausea, fear of miscarriage, fear of harming the fetus, lack of interest, discomfort, physical awkwardness, fear of membrane rupture, fear of infection or fatigue. Libido and sexual satisfaction may also be negatively affected by a woman's self-perception of decreased attractiveness."

Jones and the other researchers from the study suggested that sex during pregnancy is normal and is generally considered safe. Abstinence from intercourse is only recommended for women who are at high risk for preterm labor and for those with placenta previa.

In addition to premature labor and hemorrhage from placenta previa, other possible but rare risks of sex during pregnancy include pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and venous air embolism. Interestingly, pregnant females hypothetically should have a decreased risk of PID because of the likely natural barriers to ascending infection like the mucus plug and narrowing of the uterine cavity during pregnancy.

The discussion of sex during pregnancy may be a current medical topic of discussion, but sex has been practiced during pregnancy for centuries. Despite what you may have heard, sex during pregnancy is normal. For most women, there is no evidence to support that abstinence from sex during pregnancy is healthy, but there is a lot of evidence that not having sex during pregnancy can lead to frustration by both partners.
