"Could I be pregnant?" Most women around the world have asked themselves this question at one time or another, whether they have been trying to conceive or not. It can be a happy, scary, anxious, nervous (or all of the above) time and figuring out the answer to the pregnancy question quickly is imperative. Even women who have had children before and remember the feelings of early pregnancy, may still have some questions when it happens again.

The first thing women who may be pregnant should do is listen to their body. According to a Parents Magazine interview with Melissa Goist, MD, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Ohio State University Medical Center,"The hormones released as soon as you conceive may start causing subtle changes even before they're detectable on a home pregnancy test."

So if you are saying any of these things to yourself, they may be signs that point to a baby on the way:

1. "Ugh ... why do I feel so sick?" Nausea or morning sickness is common in many pregnancies. The Mayo Clinic website states that nausea can begin as early as three weeks after conception and that "nausea seems to stem at least in part from rapidly rising levels of estrogen and progesterone, which cause the stomach to empty more slowly."

2. "Why am I crying over this silly commercial?" Mood swings due to hormonal changes are common throughout pregnancy. "The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can make you unusually emotional and weepy," says the Mayo Clinic staff website.

3. "I just need a nap." Fatigue is another symptom usually caused by hormonal changes. Dr. Goist said, "Even at this early stage of pregnancy -- within two weeks of conception -- your baby is starting to use up your calories, which can wipe out your energy stores pretty quickly."

4. "I could really go for some ... pineapple!" If you are craving food that you normally would not want to eat, it could be a sign that you are pregnant. The Mayo Clinic chalks it up to first trimester hormonal changes, a time when they are most dramatic.

5. "Why are my breasts so tender?" The Mayo Clinic lists sore breasts as one the first symptoms of pregnancy. Their site states, "As early as two to three weeks after conception, hormonal changes might make your breasts tender, tingly or sore. Or your breasts might feel fuller and heavier."

If you have experienced any or all of these signs, you may be pregnant. However, the only way to verify a pregnancy is to take a home pregnancy test or visit a doctor's office for a pregnancy confirmation appointment.


Parents Magazine http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/signs/symptoms/signs-you-may-be-pregnant

The Mayo Clinic

Edited by Jody Smith