In the third trimester, pregnancy begins to take alot of energy. The expectant mother is feeling her rapidly increasing girth. She is more tired, and more uncomfortable. Her back may ache, and her legs may be swollen. Her breasts are beginning to fill and get heavier.

Bowel and bladder issues will get more intense in the third trimester as the expectant mother's lower torso experiences greater congestion. The baby is growing faster and things are getting crowded. Braxton Hicks contractions may be getting noticeable. And the expectant mother is tired of waiting, and is yearning for the baby to come soon.

"In the third trimester, which is weeks 28 to 40, women start to get a feeling of nesting. They want to stay home. They want to get the nursery ready. They want to start preparing for the baby. It’s very important that she has everything she needs for the baby when she comes home and it’s very important that you have a car seat for the baby. We need the car seat present when you are discharged from the hospital to put the baby in when you go in the car."
