While standard protocols have been established for the treatment of virtually all cancers, physicians will often modify them for their individual patients. These modifications are based on many factors including the patient’s age, general health, desired results, and the specific characteristics of his or her cancer. Since the treatments described in this report represent the standard therapeutic approaches, your physician may not strictly adhere to them.

The treatment and management of cervical cancer most often involves surgery and radiation therapy. Chemotherapy is becoming standard in treatment as well. The type of treatment depends on the location and size of the tumor, the ]]>stage of the cancer]]> , your age and general health, and your desire to maintain childbearing abilities. The treatment decision should be made jointly—by you, your gynecologic oncologist, the radiation oncologist, and the medical oncologist.

The goal of cervical cancer treatment is to cure the cancer so that it disappears (is killed off) and does not return. If cure is not possible, the aim is to control the growth and spread of the cancer. If cure and control are not possible, treatment attempts to relieve symptoms caused by the cancer.

Select a topic below for a thorough discussion of each cervical cancer treatment option:
]]>Biologic therapy]]>
]]>Lifestyle changes]]>
]]>Managing the side effects of cancer and cancer treatment]]>

Existing treatment protocols have been established and continue to be modified through clinical trials. These research studies are essential to determine whether or not new treatments are both safe and effective. Since highly effective treatments for many cancers remain unknown, numerous clinical trials are always underway around the world. You may wish to ask your doctor if you should consider participating in a clinical trial. You can find out about clinical trials at the government website ClinicalTrials.gov .