I thought this article would be just in time for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays because it focuses on cooking several meals in a day or two. I learned a few things that could be very helpful in reducing the stress of cooking for the holidays. Project Yum, which I wrote about in earlier articles, was in full effect--I had picked out my recipes, I put my grocery list together and I was off to the grocery store. It turned out that I ended up going to three grocery stores because I was looking for one special ingredient called kombu, which is a sea vegetable, which I needed for the magic mineral broth. All the other ingredients I was able to find at the local grocery store. I had anticipated getting all the ingredients at one place and to start cooking the broth which is the base for my soup. I got home so late from traveling to all the different grocery stores that I had to change my game plan and cook everything the next day. The broth took two and a half hours so my first cooking day was seven hours. In addition to the broth I made a sweet potato, carrot and butternut squash soup, chickpea burgers, brown rice, kale with carrots, edamame avocado dip and emerald city greens. I was exhausted by the time I was finished. The problem was that I had never made any of these dishes before so I had to pay strict attention to each recipe so they would come out correct. This is what made me feel tired. While I was cooking there, a friend of mine and my brother stopped by the house for various reasons. It was a joy to see them and I chopped, simmered and stirred while talking to them. They were my taste testers as well. This made my time in the kitchen really fun and the time passed much faster than I thought. Even though I was tired by the end of the day I enjoyed every moment of the process.

Here are the lessons I want to share with you when you are preparing several dishes for one occasion and don’t try all new recipes. If you can plan ahead you can cook a few recipes days before so you will not be overwhelmed or fall behind in preparation. For exotic or hard to find items look for substitutes so you will not be hunting around all day for that item. Cook with friends or family who you enjoy, it will make the time go faster and you will have more fun! Enjoy this holiday of Thanksgiving and remember the purpose of the season giving thanks for all that you do have.

Live Vibrantly,

Dr. Dae

Dr. Dae's website: www.healthydaes.com
Dr. Dae's book: Daelicious! Recipes for Vibrant Living can be purchased @ www.healthydaes.com

Dr. Dae's Bio:

“Dr. Dae" (pronounced Dr. Day) Daemon Jones is a Naturopathic Physician who completed her training at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. She is certified as a General Practitioner by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE). Dr. Dae provides tailored treatment to meet the unique needs of every individual she sees in her practice. She also provides specialized support for persons challenged by nutritional deficiencies, weight problems, hormonal and reproductive system disorders, attention deficit disorder and those experiencing chronic diseases. Dr. Dae is an adjunct faculty member for The Center for Mind-Body Medicine and Smith Farm Center for Healing and the Arts. She is the author of Daelicious! Recipes for Vibrant Living. Dr. Dae is a featured chef with www.myfoodmyhealth.com. Dr. Dae is a regularly featured writer for the Elite GoogleNews Website empowher.com where she shares her personal and professional vision for living whole and living well. To learn more about Dr. Dae, her products and services, please visit her on the Web at www.Healthydaes.com.