There are two main principle types of bullying: physical and psychological. Both may be carried out in overt or covert ways and may involve indiscriminate or discriminatory forms of behavior.

Physical Bullying:
Physical bullying is generally described as overt because it usually involves open attacks on a victim that can become worse if others are watching. Extreme physical bullying may take many forms, including beating, strangling, shooting, or using other weapons or objects to cause some harm. There are many different kinds of activities that students engage in to enforce a power relationship in which victims are overwhelmed and feel helpless.

Physical bullying may also be covert. This kind of bullying takes place in the absence of adults and may involve actions such as locking a victim in a school locker. Indiscriminate forms of physical bullying do not identify the victim on the basis of an enduring prejudice such as race, sex, gender, or ability but may be triggered on a moment of a spontaneous sense of annoyance or discomfort. A victim’s look or body language, if misinterpreted as hostile, may trigger bullying.

Children with special needs are highly susceptible to physical bullying because they may have challenges with speech or mobility which immediately places them in a position to be vulnerable.

Psychological Bullying:
Psychological bullying most times involves causing some type of mental anguish to cause their targets to fear for their physical safety or breaking down self-esteem and confidence. This is an integral part of cyberbullying. At least three or more of the following characteristics of bullying are always present: the harassment is unwanted and uninvited, it is relentless, and the victim is singled out for the abuse. Verbal psychological bullying is “overt” in that joking and insulting can be heard or read by others.

Covert or nonverbal psychological bullying is intended to exclude and isolate by stalking and ostracizing the victim. It is the most difficult form of bullying for victims to substantiate because teachers cannot see it or prove that it has actually occurred.

Despite the attention cyberbullying has gained in the media, there has been a small amount of empirical research on the correlates and causes of cyberbullying. From the limited evidence available it seems that the primary characteristic that distinguishes bullies from victims is that bullies have externalizing behavior patterns such as aggression and defiance. On the other hand, victims have internalizing behavior patterns such as fearfulness and depressive symptoms. Victims also tend to be rejected and excluded by their peers more than bullies. Negative social contexts are also contributing factors to bulling and victimization. Cyberbullying can be related to perceived school climate and peer support, as well as children who come from family environments with limited parental control, involvement and monitoring tend to be bullies and victims when compared to students coming from more protected, closer monitored and involved family environments.

The Effects of Cyberbullying:

Victims of cyberbullying may experience many of the same effects as children who are bullied in person, such as a drop in grades, low self-esteem, a change in interests, or depression. However cyberbullying may seem even more extreme to its victims because of several factors:

-It occurs in the child’s home. Being bullied at home can take away the place that children feel most safe.
-It can be harsher. It is common for kids to say things online that they would not normally say in person, mainly because they cannot see the other person and his/her reaction.
-It can be far reaching. Kids can send emails making fun of someone to their entire class or school with just a few clicks, or post them on a website for all to see.
-It can be anonymous. Cyberbullies often hide behind screen names and email addresses that do not identify who they really are. The idea of not knowing who is responsible for bullying messages can add to a victim’s insecurities.
-It may seem inescapable. It may seem that it is easy to get away from a cyberbully by just logging offline, but for a lot of children not going online takes away one of the major places that they socialize with others.

Cyberbullying can be a very complicated issue, especially for adults who may not be as familiar with the internet, texting, chat rooms, and other technological advances as children are today. However, just as more typical forms of bullying, it can be prevented when children know how to defend and protect themselves and parents and schools are available to help them.