In honor of the Valentine’s holiday, I thought it would be appropriate to write about something romantic. And what could possibly be more romantic than an article celebrating the strong women who are proud to be by themselves; not just single, but singular, self-sufficient, superheroes? Even on a day dedicated to the idea of couples and commitment, there are still some truly wonderful things about being able to stand alone. So in the aftermath of commercial gift-giving and pressured proclamations of love, remember to enjoy yourself as an individual! (Don’t worry women who are in relationships – independence and commitment are not necessarily mutually exclusive – this applies to you too!) Whether it means relishing in dark chocolate, spending time with friends or doing something else you love, this is an opportunity to appreciate you. Happy Valentine’s Day, empowered women!

Top 5 Reasons Being Single is Spectacular

5. Scheduling
As a single woman, your agenda and your calendar are your own. No need to accommodate a significant other’s plans or arrange your life around “quality time” together. You want to go to yoga at 8:30 p.m. and then go home and fall right to sleep? You can! And no one will fault you for missing an opportunity to hang out.

4. Spending
It is likely that if you are dating, you end up going out more often, buying more gifts and burning through more cash in general. (Don’t believe me? Check your spending history!) Even if you share the cost of your relationship, simple math indicates that buying for one person saves more money than buying for two! As a single woman, you can focus funds on whatever is important to you alone: a savings account, travel, good foods, fun with your friends, etc. I guarantee you are a cheaper date than a date would be.

3. Sexually Satisfying
Believe it or not, being single provides you an opportunity to experiment sexually in ways you may never have before. Whether this means meeting new people and learning new tricks (always with protection, of course) or really taking time to reconnect with your body (highly recommended!), without inhibitions or restraint, you will discover things about your arousal pattern and desires that you never before realized. (Feel free to check out previous articles on the benefits of masturbation and tips for using a vibrator if you need encouraging at this point!)

2. Socializing
Often when you are part of an exclusive relationship, friendships take a back seat in your time or energy management scheme. Being single allows you to revisit old acquaintances, rekindle connections and spend time with all the people you love – not just one of them! Remember that your friends are there for you no matter what happens, and maintaining contact with a group of supportive people is one of the best things you can do for your health.

1. Self-Exploring
Most importantly, being single allows you to re-assess, re-commit, re-align and re-appreciate yourself as an individual. Being able to take time to note your own needs and hopes, to recognize the things that are most important to you, and to have full control over the direction and potential of your life is without a doubt, a luxury that many women never have. So often we fall into society's trap of serial monogamy, which is not necessarily the healthiest situation for everyone. Take advantage of the space you have to become empowered, whether it is by acting on the suggestions listed above or something else completely, remember that you are fantastic, all on your own.

Please feel free to contribute other benefits of being single below!