Italian researches have come up with a test that can let women as young as 20 know when they will no longer be able to become pregnant. By measuring the level of a hormone produced in ovaries, a forecast can be created that lets women know the age they will reach menopause, and will therefore be infertile.

The advantages to the test seem obvious - women who know the time limit they have will be able to better plan their futures, consider how maternity leave will affect their careers, and would ultimately have more control over their lives. The more information, the more planning possibilities there would be. It would also allow women to find out if they will be subject to early menopause and the possible effects that will have on their health.

Of course the other part of any type of "miracle test" is that it may completely fail, and leave many women panicked and obsessed with planning their future. For decades now, women have been planning their careers, their families, their health and their futures without a birth deadline test. Will knowing too much about the future be a hindrance in choosing the right partners, or planning careers? After all, women are encouraged from the time they are born to build their entire life around children. Perhaps there is such a thing as too much knowledge.

Would you take a test to find out when you would no longer be able to bear children? Do you think there are downfalls or is this going to change how women are able to plan their lives?