It’s not like we really want to do this every year; it's more like it's what we have been advised to do. Every year, we call the doctor’s office and make our appointment for a pelvic exam. For those of us who do not know, the pelvic exam includes a medical examination for cervical cancer (Pap smear), ovarian cancer, fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, any sexually transmitted diseases, inserting certain types of contraceptives (i.e., IUD or a fitting for diaphragm), as well as visually inspecting the vagina, uterus and external organs.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has recommended that instead of having this procedure done yearly, women between 21-30 years of age with no symptoms or risk factors can schedule their pelvic exam every other year, and for those 30 years of age and older, every three years. ACOG made this revision in 2009. So what’s interesting is that a lot of women still have their pelvic exams annually. This causes one to examine the pros and cons of doing so.

The argument for going in less often is that if a woman is healthy and asymptomatic, a yearly exam serves little purpose. Some doctors, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal, feel that this time could be used talking about her real issues and concerns. It is fruitless to keep doing something out of tradition and not because it serves a purpose.

Some of the things checked for can be tested in other ways. For example, a blood test can pick up different STDs. Further, for those needing contraception (other than the IUD and being fitted for a diaphragm) a pelvic exam would not be needed. Lastly, doctors well know that this exam is not the favorite of many. In fact, it may be somewhat embarrassing and even painful for some.

On the other hand, other doctors feel that this exam can give indications as to any other conditions a patient my have. The Wall Street Journal interview with Dr. Laura Green, a San Francisco-based OB/GYN, revealed that she can determine how close a woman is to menopause by observing the color of her vaginal walls. She stated that she had been able to detect malignant melanomas and that even during the rectal portion of the exam, she was able to spot cervical polyps. She felt that other conditions that were not caught early and became problems later were often due to the patient being lax about having their annuals.

There are even some patients who feel that the yearly pelvic exam is needed for their own peace of mind. This may be especially true with older women. Since many women use their OB/GYN almost like a primary care physician, some medical doctors feel apprehensive about telling patients not to come in on a regular basis.

Whatever the case, the pelvic exam is still necessary. Until something else is invented, we will have to work along with our doctors to make it more bearable and comfortable for us. It is our responsibility to get the most out of our time spent with the doctor we have. But if we feel that we are not, then look for a doctor who will fit to your particular needs.

Resource: Wall Street Journal,

Dita Faulkner is a freelance writer and a die-hard fan of Jane Eyre.