I want to continue to talk about menopause. A few months ago, my skin started to have a crawling sensation. I also started to have what I call “private summers,” otherwise known as hot flashes. Not to mention the night sweats and disrupted sleep patterns that started soon after. Yes, I do know what I’m talking about.

Before my fibroid surgery some years ago, I was put on a drug called Lupron that puts you into pseudo-menopause. In a word, I had hot flashes for a good three months. Before then, I used to laugh at my mom when she’d have her special moments. Now, I have a very different perspective.

Fast forward seven years and two surgeries later, I eventually had to have a hysterectomy –- I had begun to have hot flashes for real! I went to my doctor on my next scheduled visit and informed him of this, to which I was promptly told that since my uterus only was removed, that my estrogen levels should be fine. And that meant that I couldn’t be having hot flashes.



People, did I not say that I know what hot flashes felt like and was having crawling skin to boot? But I played along. He said to reassure me he’d have my hormones levels tested. He did. And, of course, they came back within normal range! This did not alter my opinion because just a couple of months later I was sitting a work and was suppressing the urge to have a full-fledged come-apart. For no reason, I wanted to cry and run down the hall, get on the elevators and high tail it home. I managed to pull it together and this feeling soon subsided.

Ladies, I am convinced that, that was my first perimenopausal mood swing. I am 40 years old. Sure, I know what some are saying, but take it from me, for those who haven’t quite made it there yet -– it can happen at 40.

Perimenopause is defined as a transitional period leading up to menopause which can last several years. The general age pinpointed for the start of menopause is 45. Did I tell you that I was 40? Um-hum… During perimenopause, I’ve learned that you will start to have menopausal symptoms. Know why? Your hormone levels –- estrogen and progesterone -- are fluctuating. For those who still have cycles, they will begin skipping and the flow will fluctuate from light to heavy. Some start to experience vaginal dryness or itching; hot flashes and night sweats; waking during the night; and lastly, mood swings and irritability.

From this list, I managed to score three out of five with some other strange goings on thrown in. This is where my mom came in. Your mother is a good gage of what you’ll likely go through. I remember her telling me about her symptoms and so I went to her to get more details. I was so glad I did because this reassured me that my assumptions were correct. Additionally, the Hormone Foundation says that even though the removal of the uterus doesn’t cause early menopause if your ovaries are left, your female hormone levels will change. That’s all I needed to know.

What can I do? Well, I thought -- being the thinker that I am -- what can I do to cope with these symptoms? Let’s see, for my hot flashes I decided to dress with natural fibers and in layers. That way, when I start having one, I can just peel off. Natural fibers breathe better than synthetic ones. For my night sweats and sleep disturbances I guess I could avoid certain foods before I go to bed. I don’t have problems with caffeine, but I love me something spicy! Also, what might help me in this area (and with mood swings) is to live simpler and more stress free. I’d have to admit myself that sometimes this didn’t happen so easily, whether due to things unforeseen or bad decisions on my part. I have made the decision to live more careful and deliberate. I have to. My health is very important. I have to take care of me so I can be there for others.

Resource: The Hormone Foundation

Dita Faulkner is a freelance writer who lives by the Mississippi River. Even though she loves her southern roots, secretly she wishes to live in New York.

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