Women may not like going to the doctor for a pelvic exam and a Pap smear. Some of us may be tempted to put off the appointment and most of us don't look forward to the visit. But by the age of 21, it is pretty much a fact of life for us all.

A Pap smear is a test for cervical cancer. The earlier any abnormalities are discovered, the better.

Usually a Pap smear is only considered necessary every two to three years, according to the Mayo Clinic. And after the age of 30, it may be possible to go less often, especially if test results have been negative in the past.

The test itself only takes a few minutes, and then you are free as a bird. Till the next time.

"A number of organizations have recommendations regarding when and how frequently a woman should have Pap smears. These guidelines differ slightly because each organization takes different factors into consideration. The guidelines are recommendations for you and your doctor to consider and discuss."
