I can’t tell you how much information I’ve read on how to miraculously get rid of yeast infections. At one time or another, most women will get one. This is especially true in the case of a diabetic female since out of control blood sugar levels increases the chances of recurrent yeast infections.

So, the first thing to controlling yeast infections is to try to control your diabetes which means taking meds as prescribed and staying close as possible to the recommended diet for you. As mentioned before, there are many miraculous cure-alls but only a few medically recommended suggestions such as:

• Keep vaginal area clean and dry.
• Use mild soap – not heavily perfumed. And remember to wash all remaining soapy residue from the private area.
• Not only do you need to avoid perfumed soap, but scented toilet paper as well as deodorized tampons.
• When using the toilet, don’t wipe from the buttocks area to the vaginal area. This spreads bacteria. Always start at the vagina and wipe backwards.
• Avoid douching as much as possible. Douching disturbs the normal chemical balance of the vagina and even spreads other type of infections to the uterus and fallopian tubes, possibly resulting in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you’ll get a yeast infection. Especially if one of the following is true of your situation:

• Have you started some kind of hormone therapy (such as birth control pills) or are you pregnant? Both cause the estrogen levels to rise thereby affecting the yeast you have in your body.
• Do you have a disease/condition such as cancer or diabetes that affects how well the body fights infections?
• Are you taking medicines that upset the balance between yeast and bacteria in the vagina, such as antibiotics?

But what if your husband is the diabetic and not you? Is there reason for concern then? Yes. Dr. Todd B. Nippoldt, M.D. says, “Many people are under the impression that only women get genital yeast infections, but men get them too. Prolonged antibiotic use increases the risk of a yeast infection. Also, men with diabetes or impaired immune systems, such as those with HIV, are more susceptible to yeast infections.”

He states the symptoms for male yeast infections are similar to women’s like reddish rash, itching or burning. The treatment, although applied differently, of course, is even the same. On this subject, Nippoldt continues, "Fortunately, most male yeast infections are easily treated with an over-the-counter antifungal treatment, such as Monistat (yes, men can use it too). Apply the medication directly to the affected skin twice daily for a week. If the rash doesn’t go away, or if it recurs frequently, consult your doctor.”

Why is getting your partner’s yeast infection treated important? Because as Nippoldt sums it up, “If you and your partner have symptoms of genital yeast infection, it’s important that you both be treated. Otherwise, you may keep reinfecting each other. Also, it’s generally recommended that you refrain from sexual contact until all signs and symptoms of the infection are gone.”

So remember to be proactive if you are a female with diabetes and therefore more susceptible to yeast infections. On the other hand, if your spouse is the diabetic, be mindful that he could have the yeast infection and spread it to you. Afterwards, take the necessary actions to treat the yeast infection and control the diabetes.