As warmer weather approaches and we spend more and more of our time outside, there are some important ground rules I would like to lay down to help prevent some of the more commonplace disasters. This exciting season warrants a public service announcement on the do's and don’ts of sexual activity in the great outdoors, which I have separated into two basic categories.

1. Plan Ahead
While the idea of spontaneous copulation wherever the mood strikes may sound romantic, the result is rarely a pleasurable experience. Without some measure of pre-thinking, you can often find yourself in a variety of uncomfortable positions.
- First, I recommend that you consider the specific climate and conditions of your desired destination. Check the weather – there is nothing like a sudden downpour to extinguish the heat of a moment.
- Unless you have access to a golf course, outdoor space generally provides an imperfect surface for sexual activity. Armed with some sort of blanket, you are less likely to expose yourself to rash-inducing plant material, insects, or sticks that tend to poke vulnerable body parts.

2. Use Protection
Having sex outside opens you up to a world of new stimulations and its easy to get lost in the raw and natural feelings coupled with being in touch with the Earth. However, the refreshing atmosphere does not exempt you from responsibility. Practice your usual form of birth control and STD protection, no matter the context. While this comment may seem like a no-brainer, beware! New surroundings can often overcome your usual sense of judgment. Additionally, at the mercy of Mother Nature, protection becomes an even more multi-faceted term.
- Disrobing to allow for intimacy during the daytime means more skin than usual is exposed to the sun, and sunscreen for these typically hidden portions of your body is especially crucial. After sunset, particularly in grassy or lightly forested areas that may provide the sort of comfortable location you are envisioning, bugs become especially ferocious. Wear insect repellent, unless you want bites in places that are embarrassing to publicly scratch.
- Unless being caught in the act is part of what makes sex outside appealing to you, picking a location that offers some protection from unsuspecting passersby is generally a good idea. Being reported to the police for indecent exposure prevents many of the empowering sensations that lovemaking in the great outdoors can present.

While the excitement of summertime may have you feeling extra frisky and adventurous, some foresight for your foreplay is in order. By keeping some of these rules in mind, hopefully your outdoor activity will result in a fulfilling and disaster-free experience. If your personal practice indicates other important considerations, please share. And enjoy!