On the eve of Valentine’s Days, we decided to give you some creative ideas to spice things up in the bedroom.

While many of you may not need any of these tips, it is always good to have a reserve of ideas on hand. There is nothing sexier than your partner saying, “Wow! Where did you get that idea? I love it! When can we do it again?”

Spicy idea number one:
• Give your partner a new pet name

In an interview with CBS This Morning, Andrea Syrtash, a dating/relationship expert/advice columnist and author of "Cheat On Your Husband (With Your Husband)" stated, "pet names are your own secret language in a relationship and it helps build a bond."

Positive pet names are a great creative idea. They can bring a playful smile to your partner’s face. Pet names can also be a playful inside joke between the couple. During my dating years, my pet name for a former boyfriend was “Crash.”

Another great tip from the interview was AVOID turning your partner into your roommate. Syrtash referred to this as the "roommate effect."

This could be a relationship disaster waiting to happen. Many times, we become complacent and comfortable with our partner or we simply become stuck in a routine. As Syrtash playfully stated, "We need to keep the mystery alive in marriage." So, ladies always close the bathroom door.

According to Syrtash, “break the rules for a better romance.” Here are some key relationship tips from Syrtash:

• Being happily married starts with your own happiness
• Date nights are good for your kids to witness. Let the kids pick out your outfit or date. You are promoting healthy relationships by involving your kids.
• It's essential to keep courting your partner
• When communication breaks down, relationships break up
• Novelty is just as important as routine

Inspired by Syrtash’s CBS interview and novelty concept, here are some other things you can do to “spice it up” in the bedroom (or any room):

• Invest in a super sex bra. Forget the underwear. Go commando. This will be your special bra that only your significant other will see. It can be his favorite color, a bra that highlights your cleavage, etc.. If you need some extra vavoom consider purchasing a water bra or “cutlets” to perk up the twins. You don’t have to go to extremes and have fireworks coming out of your bra (ie: Katy Perry)

• Don’t skip date night. Force yourself out of your sweatpants and put on the pantyhose.

• Invent a sexy email address and invite your partner on a special rendezvous.

• Visiting a library or book store together and locate the book “The Joy of Sex.” See if you have conquered all of the positions in the book. Also, see what other interesting books are available in this section. Think about purchasing “The Kama Sutra.”

• Visit a sex store together. If possible sample various oils, powders, pick up and read the boxes, etc. You’d be surprised how many couples make a stop at one of these locations before they head home from their date.

For more relationship and romance tips, you can visit Syrtash’s Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Andrea-Syrtash-Fan-Page/269714474820 or visit www.andreasyrtash.com/


Break the Rules for a Better Romance - MSN Living. (Fashion Trends, Life and Beauty Advice for Women and Men - MSN Living. Retrieved February 13, 2012, from

COOPER, S. Andrea Syrtash | hitched. hitched | entertains, educates & inspires marriages. Retrieved February 13, 2012, from http://www.hitchedmag.com/article.php?id=1259

Endearment terms that don't endear - CBS News Video. Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. Retrieved February 13, 2012, from

Reviewed February 13, 2012
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited By Jody Smith