I was happy, as usual, to see my latest copy of Shape magazine waiting for me in my mailbox. It was a simple pleasure to flip through as I sipped my afternoon iced coffee and supervised homework time.

Once homework was finished, my boys rushed upstairs to play until dinner. I lingered over my coffee and magazine as I wondered what I would actually make for dinner.

As I flipped the page, my eye caught a picture of mistletoe next to an interesting fact. “Kissing burns 68 calories an hour.”

I was shocked. Who has a whole hour to kiss? And I wonder how many calories it burns to find and put on the sexy lingerie that only sees the outside of the drawer but once a year?

Then I was even more shocked because just below the kissing fact, I read about a condom GPS.

As reported in Shape magazine, iCondom is a free iPhone app that was developed in part by MTV’s Staying Alive Foundation. It was designed to make practicing safe sex even easier. Apparently, it features a user-generated map to search for nearest retailers that carry condoms.

In addition, it will allow users to see the retail locations that are open twenty-four hours and even claims to show the condom dispensers that are empty. No more excuses for not having protection or the ability to find it quickly.

I have to admit as I played out the scenario in my head, I laughed a bit. A couple starting to warm things up on a cold night. They are wrapped up in the moment of their passion and clothes start to hit the ground.

As he hears the thud of his cell phone hitting the floor through the jeans he just kicked off, the guy realizes that he is fresh out of condoms. So he motions “One minute,” to his companion and half-naked, fumbles for the phone and does a condom GPS search.

Hooray for technology! Now all they have to do is go buy one (or more), and come back to where they left off.

It’s interesting. What will they think of next?

Source: Shape Magazine, December 2011

Edited by Jody Smith