The reputation of online dating has changed dramatically since its inception. At one time, anyone who stooped to looking for someone online was viewed as being pathetic.

Consequently, people who were venturing into online dating tended to keep it to themselves.

But online dating has become not only accepted by our culture, by many it is celebrated, and the participants are praised.

Well. Mostly.

If you're old enough to have kids that are dating online ... maybe not so much.

Somehow, the idea of a senior making connections through online dating is shocking to some. And not just to young people who can't conceive that one day they too will be old.

Some other older people may give you the cold shoulder or the fish eye about it. Grown children may worry that Mom or Dad will somehow be taken advantage of by sharks and conmen and women looking for a gravy train.

But, attitudes are still changing. According to, the over-forty group is flourishing on online dating sites.

Especially for people whose social circle has become smaller as they've aged, the appeal of being able to meet people from such an enormous pool of prospects is understandable.

Being able to read a potential date's profile, and exchange information makes it possible to narrow down the number of possible matches quickly and relatively painlessly.

So maybe you're sold on trying the online dating route. If you've never done this before, here are a few suggestions.

When you choose a picture for your profile, don't let vanity make your choice for you. Yes, you want it to cast you in your best light.

But keep in mind that ultimately you want to meet in person, and they're going to need to recognize you and not be disappointed.

So resist the temptation to post a photo that is you, but 10 years younger or 25 pounds lighter. The person who will be interested in the real you will accept a picture of the real you.

Don't get bowled over by the first good-looking picture you see either. Remember, you are also looking for the whole person.

Pay attention to what they say about who they are, what is important to them, and whether or not they might be compatible for you.

You don't want to be a complete cynic but you should also remember a few basic truths about human beings.

People will try to put their best foot forward. They may ... fudge the truth a bit to make themselves more appealing.

And some are downright deceitful.

Some women really are looking for a man with money to take care of them. And some men are more interested in casual sex than in a genuine relationship.

But these types exist in the "real" world, too, they don't just pop up online.

So be savvy. And if you keep wondering about what might happen with online dating, take a deep breath, keep your wits about you and go see what's out there.


The Senior/Online Dating Connection

An Expert's 5 Best Online Dating Tips

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