Everyone is always wondering how the “other half” lives. Married people wonder if their sex life would be better if they were single, and singletons wonder if they would be happier married. If you’re longing for what you don’t have, listen up!

According to a Discovery Health article found online, the “marrieds” are having sex more often, and report feeling more satisfaction from it. At least part of the reason may be due to the security, comfort, and emotional connection married couples often experience.

When dating, you have to be concerned with putting your best face forward, and not revealing too much too soon. When married, you can be safe assuming your spouse is in for the long-haul, so more walls can be let down, and couples may be more into experimenting with each other.

Married or not, this isn’t the case for everyone. If your relationship has hit the skids in the sex department, or there is some other problem in your relationship, you may want to first talk with your partner, and consider meeting with a professional marriage counselor for more help.

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Discovery Health: Top 10 Marriage Myths
EmpowHER: Sex & Relationship Articles

Christine Jeffries is a writer/editor for work and at heart, and lives in a home of testosterone with her husband and two sons. Christine is interested in women’s health and promoting strong women.