If better health and fitness aren't enough to motivate you to exercise, what about the fact that it will help your sex life? Several studies have shown that exercise can maintain and improve sexual function for both men and women. It can also make sex more fun.

There’s no need to start training for a marathon. Even a brief bit of exercise helps with sexual function and desire.

According to Dr. Cedric Bryant, chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise, exercise does it all when it comes to sex. "Exercise has psychological benefits as well, such as stress reduction, improved self-esteem, elevated mood and increased confidence that can also contribute to a more enriched sex life.”

Bryant also said, "Regular exercise may enhance sexuality through a variety of mechanisms that affect both the mind and body. Physical improvements in muscle strength and tone, endurance, body composition and cardiovascular function can all enhance sexual functioning.”

In a February 1999 Journal of the American Medical Association article, it showed that exercise helps increase sexual potency. That is because it strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves circulation. You can’t have good sexual function without good circulation. Exercise increases blood flow all over the body including the genitals. One study found women who engaged in exercise experienced increased arousal and better orgasms. Better circulation also means heightened sexual pleasure.

Physical activity can also enhance a person’s self-image and sexual satisfaction. Exercise helps amp up body image. This in turn, helps increase motivation and comfort with sex. An October 2004 Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality article found people who exercise regularly quite simply feel better about themselves. They also feel more sexually desirable and experience greater levels of satisfaction. According to one study, 45 to 55 year old women who exercise reported higher levels of sexual satisfaction than women who don't exercise.

Both sex and exercise have been proven to help reduce stress, so doing both on a regular basis should help people stay relaxed and happy. Studies have shown that daily cardiovascular exercise reduces symptoms of anxiety. When a person is less stressed, he or she is more interested in sex.

Need more proof? Exercise also helps people sleep better. When you’re rested, your mood and libido are improved. Since many women say both their irritability and diminished sex drive come from exhaustion, exercise can come to the rescue in this area.

So get some exercise! It not only can enhance your sex drive, it is physically and emotionally good for you.


Reviewed May 23,2011
Edited by Alison Stanton