Antidepressants can cause sexual dysfunction, according to Therese Borchard. And according to a Johns Hopkins Health Alert, up to 70 percent of those on antidepressants will run into sexual problems.

Men often have erectile dysfunction and women will experience dryness and reduced sensation. Both men and women can have a loss of sexual interest and the ability to orgasm.

If you're experiencing this type of sexual dysfunction here are a few suggestions from some psychiatrists. Changing how or when you take your antidepressant may improve things. Or you might find that you can take a day or two off medication without an increase in depression, but with a return of more normal sexual function.

Therese says, "My plan? To experiment with a few of these when I reach a more stable place.

"I’ve been saying that for about three years, because right as I think I’ve hit even ground and can do a drug holiday or try adding Wellbutrin or go to sex school, something happens and the black dog has my ankle again. So for now, I stay a tad challenged in this area."