Has the answer to the question "Who ya gonna call" been replaced with the words "The Sex Squad"? According to a new game, yes.

This month, Middlesex-London Health Unit, a Canadian public health department launched an online flash game, "The Adventures of Sex City." Partnered with Mind your Mind, a Canadian nonprofit that focuses on youth, the game is supposed to teach young people about sexual health in an engaging way: through a graphic novel style online game.

The premise of the game is that the villainous "Sperminator" is out to infect all individuals with sexually transmitted infections. The elite crime fighting Sex Squad is dedicated to keeping citizens safe from STIs.

According to Mind Your Mind, youth volunteers were consulted on the creation of the game, in order to make sure that the final product would appeal to young people and would be a fun educational tool.

Who are the characters out to bring sexual safety to all?

Captain Condom, a half man half condom scientist; Power Pap, a sexually active woman who is committed to regular STI testing; Willy the Kid, who urges others to see that size doesn't matter; and Wonder Vag who is committed to abstinence until marriage.

Avoiding getting shot by the Speriminator and answering 25 sexual health questions aim to debunk misconceptions, help an individual win the game.

Though the game may be a little difficult to grasp, it may prove to be a new way of communicating sexual education to younger generations. Instead of outdated videos from decades ago, or misinformation provided by many communities, games that provide accurate information and encourage safe sex and well-being may have a strong impact on young people, reducing STI and unintended pregnancy rates.

I haven't delved into the game itself but it seems the characters portray a wide range of thinking about sex - but does it fail to include gay and lesbian couples in their education? Surely an exploration or recognition of sexual orientation should be included in young people's sex education, especially in a game like this.

Hopefully there is some acknowledgment of same sex couples in the game.

What do you think?

Would you use a game like this as a resource to teach young people in your life about safe sex?