Recently, more and more information sources regarding women’s health (and men’s health) have emphasized the physical benefits of engaging in sexual activity. I enjoy this framework of thinking for many reasons. First, it’s part of the growing body of rhetoric that normalizes women’s sexuality and emphasizes healthy ways to be sexually active. It sends the message that sex is an important part of a healthy woman’s life, not a strange fetish, a “masculine” behavior, or something a woman does to please her husband, but rather an empowering, fun and worthwhile pursuit.

Second, these publications provide incentives AND suggestions that allow women to become more comfortable and more confident in their bodies. Personally, I like to read articles that don’t just tell me to “look in the mirror and like what I see,” but also give me tips for attaining the “me” that I want to be. (Do 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups everyday and you will look in the mirror and be proud of who you are becoming!) When these tips pertain to enhancing sexual activity, it’s a double bonus! (Repeating 50 push-ups/sit-ups each day will allow you utilize and explore girl-on-top positions to best stimulate your clitoris and G-spot.)

The hot tip about sexercising I want to share today pertains more to mental than physical flexibility and endurance. This makes it a great place to start, if you are new to the world of getting fit while enjoying yourself and others. Furthermore, it is not a gender-specific action; everyone can enjoy!

Many fitness coaches know that attitude and mental power are half the battle when it comes to getting stronger, leaner, faster, etc. If you attend exercise classes, instructors will urge you to concentrate on the muscle group you are training – to really think about working a specific body part. If you can focus mental energy on these muscles, your form will be better, your physical energy will be better spent, and ultimately – you will get more out of it.

The same is true in sexual activity. By focusing your mental energy on the body part “in play,” good sensations will be stronger, your state of arousal will increase, and ultimately – you will get more out of it! If you can push distracting thoughts or feelings out of your head and hone in on one area, your mind and body will work together, synthesizing the awareness and the actualities of pleasure. This doesn’t mean that a full-body, holistic view of your orgasm isn’t important; rather, it’s another way to approach each stop on the Orgasm map.

Exercise your brain, body and sexual empowerment all at once! Now THAT is efficient calorie burning.