Scrotal masses are abnormalities in the scrotum, according to Mayo Clinic. The scrotum is the bag of skin hanging behind the penis that contains the testicles. Scrotal masses may be an accumulation of fluids, abnormal tissue growth or normal scrotal contents that have become swollen, inflamed or hardened.

Scrotal masses can be benign or malignant. Benign scrotal masses include varicocele, spermatocele, hydrocele and hematocele, according National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Varicocele is enlargement of the veins within the scrotum, according to Mayo Clinic and The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) describes it as a "bag of worms."

NIH says spermatocele is a cyst-like scrotal mass containing fluid and dead sperm cells. Hydrocele is fluid collection in the scrotum. Hematocele is blood collection within the scrotum caused most likely by traumatic injury.

Another type of scrotal mass is testicular torsion. Mayo Clinic says this is a twisted spermatic cord, blood vessels, nerves and tube that carries semen from the testicle to the penis.

Other scrotal masses can be caused by inflammatory or infectious diseases, physical injury, herniation or tumors, according to NIH.

Mayo Clinic says orchitis is inflammation of the testicle usually due to a viral infection. Epididymitis is often caused by a bacterial infection, including sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.

AAFP says an inguinal hernia can show itself as a scrotal mass. Mayo Clinic defines an inguinal hernia as where a portion of the small intestine pushes through an opening or weak spot in the tissue separating the abdomen and groin.

Although rare, testicular cancer is the most concerning cause of a painless scrotal mass. Testicular cancer is a tumor containing abnormal testicular tissue, according to Merck Manuals. NIH lists painless or painful scrotal bulge or lump, infertility and an enlarged scrotum as symptoms of scrotal masses.

Mayo Clinic adds that pain radiates throughout the groin, abdomen or lower back. Other symptoms are tender, swollen or hardened epididymis, the soft, comma-shaped tube above and behind the testicle, as well as redness of the scrotal skin, and nausea or vomiting. If infection causes the scrotal mass, this can result in symptoms are fever, urinary frequency, and pus or blood in the urine.

NIH says hematoceles, hydroceles, and spermatoceles are usually harmless and don’t require treatment. Sudden, temporary scrotal masses may respond to antibiotics, pain relievers or scrotal support. A hematocele, hydrocele, or spermatocele may occasionally require surgery to remove the collection of blood, fluid, or dead cells.

Scrotal masses caused by a bacterial infection are treated with antibiotics, says Mayo Clinic. Viral infections causing scrotal masses are usually treated with rest, ice and pain relievers.

Treatments for tumors that cause scrotal masses include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.


Scrotal Masses. PubMed Health by National Center for Biotechnology Information and U.S. National Library of Medicine. Web 14 Nov 2011.

Scrotal masses. by Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Web 14 Nov 2011.

Painless scrotal mass. by Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. Web 14 Nov 2011.

Testicular masses. by the American Academy of Family Physicians. Web 14 Nov 2011.

Tags: scrotal masses, male reproductive health, testicles, testicular masses, scrotal lump, testicular lump, penis

Key Words: scrotal masses, testicle, varicocele, spermatocele, hydrocele, hematocele, fluid collection, testicular cancer, tumor, penis, bacterial infection, viral infection, surgery, inguinal hernia, abnormal tissue, antibiotics

Reviewed November 18, 2011
by MIchele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Malu Banuelos