That's what a study conducted at the University of Florence in Italy is claiming.

Researchers surveyed 800 Tuscan women about their sexual satisfaction and were evaluated against the Female Sexual Function Index. On average women who drank two glasses of red wine a day scored 27.3 points out of 36, while women who drank one daily glass scored 25.9. Non-drinkers scored an average of 24.4 on the scale.

The conclusions that can be drawn from the study still appear to be unclear. Researchers wonder if the chemical compounds in red wine help to escalate sexual functioning through increased blood flow.

It's important that we take these results with a grain of salt, as there are a significant amount of theories and studies that have been conducted in order to explain, or "diagnose" women's sexuality. One study says that smart women have better sex. Some claim that older women have better sex. Others state that older women are sexually unsatisfied. The list goes on and on. What is important to take into account is that women have different sexual experiences, different ways of feeling pleasure and desire, and that to oversimplify sexuality risks taking away from the possibilities of a thriving and healthy sex life.

Scientists continue to be confused about women and sex, and decades have been spent attempting to diagnose and understand female pleasure. Attempts have been made to discover if there really is female sexual dysfunction and how to go about providing the best care for women who are concerned about their sexual health. After years of considering the sexual pleasures and health of men, and having to contend with our sexual desires as completely nonexistent or unimportant, it's good to see that work is being done to give women more information about sexuality.

If you're interested in improving your sex life, don't turn to red wine as a miracle solution. Keep in mind that these studies show patterns and that more conclusive information needs to be found to truly link better sex to wine drinking. Until that happens, explore the multitude of ways of delving into our sexualities! Reading books written by reliable women on issues of sex, taking care of your overall health, finding ways to improve your libido, and tapping into what your personal desires really are, are just a few ways to get yourself in the mood for a better sex life.