Many people are aware of runner’s high. It is the natural good feeling that comes after exercise. That high is result of endorphins. Guess what? Even if you do not participate in strenuous exercise, sex is an equally good way to release endorphins and feel good. No need to lace up your sneakers and jog around the track, just find your sweetie and get busy between the sheets.

Just what are endorphins? Endorphins are a group of substances formed within the body that naturally relieve pain. The bio-chemicals acetylcholine and dopamine are known as endorphins, and have a similar chemical structure to morphine. They are also known to lower stress and boost confidence. They are among the brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which transmit electrical signals within the nervous system. There are at least 20 types of endorphins found in humans. They can be found in the pituitary gland, in other parts of the brain, or distributed throughout the nervous system.

The feeling of bliss that one normally experiences after sexual intercourse is due to the body's production of endorphins. In fact, endorphin production can increase 200 percent from the beginning to the end of sexual activity.

Recent studies have documented the connection between orgasm and endorphins, although ongoing physical contact and not just sex alone also helps produce endorphins. That is good news for those in close and loving relationships. Although there are many reasons why people choose to maintain those close and loving relationships, endorphins may be a factor. Endorphins also produce a general sense of well-being, including feeling peaceful and secure.

Some researchers have found that endorphins are released during orgasm, as well as during laughter. Endorphin release may happen with frequent sex and masturbation.

A connection between good sex, endorphins and staying young may also exist. In a 10-year study involving 3,500 people, Dr. David Weeks, author of Secrets of the Super Young, found men and women who engage in sex four to five times a week often look more than 10 years younger than the average person, who is having sex twice a week.

It’s been said that when something feels good, it can’t possibly be good for us. It is time to rethink that old adage. It appears, when it comes to endorphins, the opposite is true. Endorphins whether through exercise or sex, are indeed good for us. So get a move on it, and release some of your own endorphins.
