A 25-year-old is making history as the nation’s first and only legal male prostitute, working in Nevada, the only state in which sex-for-pay is legal. Using the stage name of “Markus Bestin,” the five-foot-nine, 180 pound man started seeing clients last month. America’s first legal male hooker charges $300 an hour.

What brought this on? The recession has slowed down business for many of Nevada’s 24 legal brothels. The owners of the Shady Lady Ranch decided to try something new – a male prostitute for female customers. It took some changes in the law to make way for the first so-called “prosti-dude” and more than 100 men applied.

So what are the qualifications of the Alabama native who beat out the other contenders? He told ABC’s Nightline that after a brief time in the Marines he next tried a career in adult movies but failed at that and became homeless. He also said that he had slept with only three women when he got his new job and “experience” wasn’t a job requirement. Did size matter? His boss said yes, it did and that he measured up.

What does he think of his job? In an interview with Details magazine, Bestin compared what he’s doing to the work of civil rights leader Rosa Parks. Bestin said, “It's just the same as when Rosa Parks decided to sit at the front instead of the back. She was proclaiming her rights as a disadvantaged, African-American older woman. And I'm doing the same. I'm actually standing up now, and hopefully I can be supported by the male community and be understood as a person. This actually isn't about selling my body. This is about changing social norms.”

One of the first women to check him out was a New York Post reporter who went on an “undercover” assignment saying, “The post had to have a go at this gigolo.” Her take, “It was like a bad second date. That cost $500.”

What are your thoughts? Is there a need for legal, male prostitutes? Is the first one breaking civil rights ground as he claims? Would you, or have you, ever hired one? If you could develop the ideal job description for one what would you include? Or, do you think the whole idea is ridiculous because women want sex to be more than just a physical act?

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About the author: Pat Elliott is a journalist and blogger who has written about health issues for more than 20 years. She is also a cancer survivor who coaches people on how to manage their transition and take control of their new future.