Female orgasmic disorder can be very frustrating for many women. It’s the difficulty or inability to reach orgasm after sufficient sexual stimulation and arousal. Anorgasmia is another term used to describe the experience of not having orgasms.

Both men and women can be diagnosed with this disorder but it’s less common for men. Surveys report 33 to 50 percent of women experience orgasm infrequently and are dissatisfied.

The condition is called primary when a female has never experienced orgasm through any means of stimulation. It is secondary if a woman has attained orgasm in the past but is currently non-orgasmic.

About 10 to 15 percent of women appear to suffer from primary orgasmic dysfunction.

There are several causes for primary and secondary FOD.

Emotional trauma or sexual or physical abuse is one. Women with a history of abuse are at greater risk for all sorts of emotional and physical problems, especially depression and anxiety. This can severely hurt their sex lives.

Sometimes medical factors are behind FOD. For example, surgery or injury that has caused damage to pelvic region like spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and diabetic neuropathy.

Hormone disorders and compromised blood flow can also delay or impede orgasm. So can excessive amounts of alcohol, drugs that reduce blood pressure, some antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs and sedatives.

Other causes include relationship difficulties like boredom, anger, trust and communication difficulties.

From an article by How Stuff Works, "According to Jennifer Berman, M.D., primary FOD is the most challenging of all female sexual dissatisfactions to treat. Luckily there are solutions for both types of the disorder".

Counseling is recommended for victims of physical and sexual abuse. The treatment process is long and difficult, but it can help abused women reclaim their sexuality.

Women with FOD made need to change or eliminate prescription drugs that have a negative impact on sexual function.

Communication with a partner is a must. In order for women to overcome this disorder, partners should become experts in honest communication.

Start doing Kegel exercises. By toning pelvic muscles with Kegel exercises, women can achieve more intense orgasms.

Consider hormone treatment. Sometimes taking a synthetic form of testosterone may help. However using hormones to treat orgasmic disorder is controversial and the long-term risks remain unclear.

It’s important to realize one can’t force an orgasm. For women with FOD, it’s a good idea to talk with their health care provider and determine what works best for their situation.

"For Women Only: A Revolutionary Guide to Overcoming Sexual Dysfunction and Reclaiming Your Sex Life," Jennifer Berman, M.D. and Laura Berman, Ph.D.

Reviewed May 25, 2011
Edited by Alison Stanton