Virginia Slims (brand) sexualized cigarettes for decades, on the premise that women can smoke to express their unique independence. Ironically, millions of individuals began smoking Virginia Slims to express their...individuality?!

Smoking is still depicted in movies with a rebellious “crazy, sexy, cool” vibe, although current college students are not buying it. In fact, most college students are choosing not to smoke in large numbers (up to 70-80 percent of college students are choosing not to smoke). Additionally, students are also reporting a strong preference for dating someone who also does not smoke. [Source: BACCHUS & GAMMA]

It seems as though the “sexy factor” in cigarettes are no longer as desirable.

This trend may have to do with a more educated generation, as studies are discovering the possible effects of carbon monoxide from the cigarettes as affecting the production of testosterone, a necessary hormone for both gender's libido, or sex drive.

The harmful effects of smoking are clearly not depicted on the movie screen, but can be seen (and felt) in the bedroom. Smoking can lower chances for a man to get, and sustain, an erection. For women, smoking can lower her ability for the vagina to self-lubricate, making sex uncomfortable or even painful.

Smoking Effects in the Bedroom for Women:

Men are also impacted with lower sexual function, and other adverse effects, when choosing to smoke.

Smoking Effects in the Bedroom for Men:

Are we able to stop these mixed messages within the media? We have highly educated students saying they prefer to be, and date, nonsmokers. They are telling us that cigarettes are not sexy. We also read numerous questions from EmpowHER women asking for help to increase their low libido, or are concerned about their partner's sexual health and functioning.

We would be interested to hear from you, if you feel that you have experienced negative consequences from smoking related to your sexual health. Have you tried to quit smoking, in order to increase your libido or sexual performance?

"The classic movie image of the post-sex cigarette makes it seem like smoking and sex are a natural fit. But smoking can wreak havoc on the reproductive system and on sexual health.” [Source: Planned Parenthood]