Recently in the media, specifically on the talk show circuit, there is a lot of talk about young people having sex as well as the spread of STDs and prevention. This is a great way to get the conversation started, but the one thing that has not been stressed enough is how to persuade individuals to abstain.

For the high school teenager and the young college age culture, the idea of celibacy and saying no to sex is almost unheard of and sometimes even frowned upon. However, it is the most full proof way of not contracting any type of sexually transmitted disease. There are studies that prove that abstinence is one of the best ways to prevent STDs, but more education is definitely needed to let people know about this safe and viable option. Here is a link to an article on the subject with tips on making the decision not to have sex.

There is also an organization formed with the emphasis on teaching young people the benefits of not indulging in dangerous sexual practices. The site also gives them information on making healthy sexual choices that will be in their best interest as they mature. It is called the National Abstinence Education Association. The link is:

With STDs continuing to grow at such a high rate among youths, more has to be done to protect them from making decisions that can be life threatening. The education needs to be a collective effort at home and in the schools. It is important that both parents and the school system become involved in the safety of out youth. This way, he message can stay in the forefront of their minds.