Age spots (also known as sun spots, hyperpigmentation, liver spots and lentigines) are harmless, flat, yellow or brown discolorations of the skin which usually occur on the back of the hands, neck and face of people above the age of 40.

These age spots are usually not serious but instead are mainly an annoyance since they can reveal a person's age. However, if you have irregular, dark spots which increase in size or change color or texture have them checked by a doctor (they could be a sign of skin cancer).

Actually, age spots have nothing to do with your age. Age spots have to do with how long you've been in the sun. They are a common sign of sun damage due to having the skin exposed to the sun over many years. In more serious situations, they can be due to impaired liver function or dietary and nutritional deficiencies.

As we age, our metabolism changes and the liver can become overwhelmed with toxins. If the liver cannot rid the body of these toxins, age spots can begin to develop. Oxidation within the body and a lack of antioxidants in your diet can also play an important role in the development of age spots.

It is important to remember that age spots take years to form and eliminating them will take time, too. Remedies are easily available and if they don't improve simply try another one. Also, as a preventative measure, always use a sunscreen of at least SPF 15 if you plan to be outdoors in the sun for extended periods of time.

Laser, either the Q-switched ruby or alexandrite, is the most effective way to get rid of age spots. The treatment leaves a small scab where the spot was and disappears in a couple of weeks. Generally one or two treatments are needed at $400 to $700 per session. If your spots are spread out across your cheeks or chest, you can try the new Fraxel dual laser. One or two treatments at $750 to $1,500 each will do the trick.

One at-home solution is a hydroquinone cream which inhibits melanin production and can often lighten age spots as effectively as a laser. At prescription-strength (four percent), it should fade darkness in four to eight weeks. An over-the-counter (two percent) cream takes at least eight to 12 weeks. The cost is about $40 for a generic-brand prescription; $5.50 for Ambi Skin Discoloration Fade Cream with two percent hydroquinone.

Also, aloe vera juice or gel has long been known as a general healing agent for skin problems, particularly burns. Many people have also found it to be helpful in reducing the visual appearance of age spots. Simply rub the juice or gel directly onto the affected areas twice a day and leave it on the skin for at least 45 minutes. Within a month you should begin to notice improvements.

Keep in mind, unless you wear a sunscreen every day, rain or shine, you'll be looking at new age spots no matter how often you visit the dermatologist.


MC Ortega is the former publicist for the late Walter Payton, Coca-Cola and Dunkin’ Donuts. Ortega is a senior communications and messaging executive specializing in media relations, social media, program development and crisis communications. Also, Ortega is an avid traveler and international shopper. Ortega resides with her partner, Craig, dog, Fionne and extensive shoe collection. Ortega also enjoys jewelry design/production and flamenco dancing.