Remember in the old days when slathering on sunscreen meant having to really rub it in to get to get the white to disappear? Enter nanotechnology which has enabled the sunscreen products titanium dioxide and zinc oxide to be manufactured into extremely small molecules so the cream absorbs more easily. Titanium and zinc based ingredients are formulated into particles smaller than 200 nanometers (smaller than viruses) enabling them to appear transparent on our skin.

Much has been written about whether nanoparticles, used in both sunscreens and cosmetics, are safe. A controversy exists between those who think nanoparticles have the potential to do harm and those who feel that the likelihood of absorption by the skin is so low the risk is not enough of a concern.

The biggest concern with nanotechnology used in skin products is that chemicals encased inside nanoparticles can behave differently once inside the body and potentially trigger harmful reactions.

In 2006, a citizen’s petition was made to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to take a greater role in regulating the use of nanoparticles in sunscreens. In general, the FDA does not regulate skin care products because they are topical and systemic effects are determined to be low.

In response, the FDA did convene a Nanotechnology task force that recommended the FDA work with other federal and private agencies to increase general scientific knowledge and facilitate assessment of information to set safety standards for sunscreens. An additional plan to provide more specific labeling for sunscreens has not yet been carried out by the FDA.

In 2009, an environmental health non-profit organization called the Environmental Working Group (EWG) started an investigation of their own on sunscreen. They stated that when they began, “our researchers thought we would ultimately recommend against micronized and nano-sized zinc oxide and titanium dioxide sunscreens. But many months and nearly 400 peer-reviewed studies later, we find ourselves drawing a different conclusion, and recommending some sunscreens that may contain nano-sized ingredients.”

The reason for their change of opinion on the safety of nanopaticles in sunscreen had more to do with the health risk of not using them rather than using them. EWG found that consumers using sunscreen without zinc and titanium would be exposed to 20 percent more UVA radiation. Products that don’t use titanium and zinc use chemicals that have on average four times the health risk of cancer, birth defects or damage to the brains of growing children.

The majority of the studies reviewed on skin absorption showed virtually no absorption of zinc and titanium. At the same time, EWG found very few studies that tested the effect the other products used in chemical sunscreens cause; EWG felt that they could possibly present an even greater risk.

“On balance, EWG researchers found that zinc and titanium-based formulations are among the safest, most effective sunscreens on the market based on available evidence.”

The EWG does feel that there needs to be more studies on all sunscreens, both those using nanoparticles and those without. They also caution against using any powder or spray mineral based sunscreen, particularly those with titanium or zinc, due to the risk of inhalation. I would add to especially avoid using those products on children despite the inconvenience.

Consumers do have the option of avoiding nanoparticles in their sunscreens. The EWB website has a link to those sunscreens it recommends at At the bottom of the page is a link that lists those brands that avoid using nanoparticles. Hopefully, further research will clarify whether the risks of nanotechnology used in skin products are an area of concern needing more regulation.


Michele is an R.N. freelance writer with a special interest in woman’s healthcare and quality of care issues. Other articles by Michele can be read at