Some women avoid wearing shorts or bathing suits so no one will see the web of blue/purple spidery veins that appear unflatteringly on their legs. Other women carefully cover spider veins on their nose or cheeks with foundation, blush or cover up. Spider veins frequently become more evident as women and men reach their 40’s and 50’s. Treatments for spider veins does not pose any medical risk but can be expensive and may require several visits to make them finally disappear.

Spider veins, also called telangeictasia, affect up to 75% of the population. They can be due to genetics, sun damage, effects of smoking and alcohol. Women seem to be more susceptible possibly due to the effects of hormones changes in pregnancy, using birth control pills or other age related fluctuations of estrogen.

Spider veins occur when a small amount of blood leaks out from the superficial veins in the skin. Spider veins do not cause any medical problems; they just are a cosmetic annoyance. Varicose veins are larger versions of spider veins that can become filled with trapped blood. Varicose veins can require more invasive treatment if they become painful, inflamed or swollen.

Spider veins treatments:

● Sclerotherapy injections are considered the “gold standard” treatment for spider veins. They work best for spider veins that are large enough so that a needle can fit inside the vein. Ultrasound can also help guide needle placement. It may take two to six sclerotherapy treatments over a couple of months to achieve desired results and some spider veins may still not disappear.

● Laser therapy is one choice for those adverse to needles and works best for smaller spider veins such as ones on the face. Lasers cause the spider veins to shrink and fade as they are reabsorbed by the body. Plan on receiving two to four treatments over six weeks and expect some bruising afterwards.

● Cover make-up: According to, Dermablend is supposed to be one of the best products to cover unsightly skin defects. Cover Fx is an alternate choice. Both last for hours relieving concerns that you will look down and see your spider veins peeking through. For small facial spider veins, regular concealer may do the trick.

● Topical creams treatments are the least likely to show improvement in the treatment of spider veins. Many creams claim to have vitamin K which improves blood clotting and reduces blood seepage thus improving appearance of spider veins. Dr. Michael Traub a naturopathic doctor in Hawaii stated in the New York Times, that no studies, or at least none that he has heard of support the claims that these type of creams work.

Luckily, there are choices for every budget to hide those unsightly spider veins from view. Sclerotherapy and laser can cost between $100 to $400 a session and insurance does not cover the treatment. Both techniques do cause some discomfort while being performed and need several weeks to heal. Special concealing make up costs $20-$50 a container which can add up but, fortunately or unfortunately, are good to have around as spider veins tend to reoccur.


Michele is an R.N. freelance writer with a special interest in woman’s healthcare and quality of care issues. Other articles by Michele can be read at