Looking for a passive way to improve your wrinkles? Cupron’s copper pillowcase could be worth a try. Copper peptides have been used for many years to promote wound healing in various medical applications but a recent in house study by Cupron indicates that copper peptides might also help rid people of wrinkles while they are sleeping.

In a 2008 double blind study, 57 people (55 women and two men) were evaluated after sleeping on either copper oxide pillowcases or placebo plain pillowcases for 4 weeks. The participants were instructed not to use other face creams during the study or use fabric softener on the pillowcases after washing.

Photographs were taken before and after and an Expert Grader, dermatologist Dr. Anna Lyakhovitsky, evaluated the photos in terms of: wrinkles, crowsfeet, blemishes, skin glow, texture and overall appearance. It was determined that there was a statistical improvement in the facial texture of the participants at the end of the four weeks and noticeable changes could be observed by week two.

The researchers believe that moisture from the skin causes some of the copper ions to be released from the pillowcases increasing collagen formation which improves the skin’s appearance.

The Cupron study did not discuss how many hours a night the people slept on the copper oxide pillowcases and whether the people typically slept on their side or had improvement even if they slept on their back. Neck area skin wrinkles also were not evaluated to see if the copper peptides helped in that area as well.

Copper peptides were first found to be effective in wound healing during the 1970’s by Dr. Loren Pickart. He formulated a cream called GHK-Cu which was approved by the FDA for the treatment of chronic non-healing wounds and ulcers. GHK-Cu increases wound healing by promoting elastin and collagen production, controlling the growth rate of certain cells, reducing inflammation and preventing “the release of oxidation-promoting iron in the tissues.”

Copper peptides have since been incorporated in many topical creams and gels used to improve skin quality and reduce wrinkles. The copper is believed to penetrate the skin when attached to a peptide so it can better reach the deeper layers and rebuild lost collagen.

The Cupron pillowcase sells for $37.99 at their Web site which does rival the cost of some more expensive copper peptide creams. Further studies, performed by researchers, not involved in making the pillowcase, will give us a better idea of whether their results are worth considering. More specifics on how much contact the pillowcase needs to the face would also be good to know.

In the meantime, the pillowcase might be worth a try. Even if it doesn’t get rid of your wrinkles, maybe the copper will make the pillowcase last longer so your purchase won’t be a total loss.


Michele is an R.N. freelance writer with a special interest in woman’s healthcare and quality of care issues. Other articles by Michele can be read at http://www.helium.com/users/487540/show_articles